Monday 11 May 2020

How can I give up my mission in these difficult times?

At the time of birth, we made a pact with God that we will do His work upon the earth. Now in these difficult times, how can we choose an easier path and break our promise? What shall we reply to Him on return that His son has faltered and failed in his mission?
[अनुवाद: धरा पर जन्म लेने से पूर्व हमने भगवान से एक अनुबंध किया था कि हम धरा पर उसका कार्य करेंगे | इस कठिन दौर में अब हम अपना मार्ग कैसे बदल लें, अपना वचन कैसे तोड़ दें ? लौट कर हम उसे क्या उत्तर देंगे कि उसका पुत्र घबरा गया, असफल हो गया ?]

Context based on Lines from Savitri (475/10-476/08):

A similar situation occurs in Savitri’s life. She has come to wrestle with Death but in a moment of deep sorrow, Savitri thinks of abdicating her mission. But then, a voice (an inner voice) intervenes and questions her:

Lines from Savitri 475/10-476/08:

          What need have I, what need has Satyavan
          To avoid the black-meshed net, the dismal door,
          Or call a mightier Light into life's closed room,
          A greater Law into man's little world?

          Why should I strive with earth's unyielding laws
          Or stave off death's inevitable hour?

          This surely is best to pactise with my fate
          And follow close behind my lover's steps
          And pass through night from twilight to the sun
          Across the tenebrous river that divides
          The adjoining parishes of earth and heaven.

          Then could we lie inarmed breast upon breast,
          Untroubled by thought, untroubled by our hearts,
          Forgetting man and life and time and its hours,
          Forgetting eternity's call, forgetting God.”

          The Voice replied: “Is this enough, O spirit?

          And what shall thy soul say when it wakes and knows
          The work was left undone for which it came?

          Or is this all for thy being born on earth
          Charged with a mandate from eternity,
          A listener to the voices of the years,
          A follower of the footprints of the gods,
          To pass and leave unchanged the old dusty laws?

          Shall there be no new tables, no new Word,
          No greater light come down upon the earth
          Delivering her from her unconsciousness,
          Man's spirit from unalterable Fate?

          Cam'st thou not down to open the doors of Fate,
          The iron doors that seemed for ever closed,
          And lead man to Truth's wide and golden road
          That runs through finite things to eternity?

          Is this then the report that I must make,
          My head bowed with shame before the Eternal's seat,—
          His power he kindled in thy body has failed,
          His labourer returns, her task undone?”