Monday 25 December 2017

When all has been explained nothing is known.

If God is at work, his secrets I have found.
But still the Cause of things is left in doubt,
Their truth flees from pursuit into a void;
When all has been explained nothing is known.

                                                                             - (Savitri, 519/06-09)

(०६) यदि भगवान् कार्यरत हैं तो मैंने उनके रहस्यों को जान लिया है |
(०७) परन्तु फिर भी पदार्थों का मूल कारण संशययुक्त बना हुआ है,
(०८) उनका (पदार्थों का) सत्य मेरी पकड़ से बच कर शून्य में खो जाता है;
(०९) जब सबकुछ प्रतिपादित कर दिया गया है, कुछ भी ज्ञात नहीं है |

## If it is God who created this world, I (the man, a scientist who prides on his knowledge) have found all his secrets.

## But the original cause of all that happens is still evasive.

(Logic has a serious limitation - it believes in cause and effect as the ultimate; it explains a thing with what existed before it. Thus it creates a chain that has no beginning and the origin of the world remains a mystery. If there is a Beginning, Logic still can’t explain the cause of the Primordial for there is nothing before that. Thus, yet when all is known, man feels that nothing is known.)

For not by Reason was creation made
And not by Reason can the Truth be seen

                                                 - (Savitri, 256/33-34)

## Reason is not the ultimate power; the world was not made by Reason and Truth can’t be known by Reason.

(God is self-existent, it needs no reason to exist. Mind imprisoned in ‘Time’, seeks the reason for God’s existence but fails to understand the mystery for this creation is beyond the reach of Reason.)

1 comment:

  1. My take from these statements is to keep doing what I think good and love to do. Nature will take it's own course with combined effects of what has been done before and what is being done by us, the living & non-living.
